meditative self-inquiry
in the non dual tradition

an in-depth dive
into your essential nature

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Inspired by her own practice and her lifelong work as an artist Nöle developed a unique style that animates complex ancient teachings in a playful, contemporary, and deeply life changing way.  It is this gift – to live the coming together of the creative and the spiritual- that is the heart of her teaching.


“Nöle’s teachings offer you a sumptuous banquet of inspired creativity, soulful wisdom, heartfelt kindness, and joyous celebration. Her entire being offers you the opportunity to feel completely welcomed, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, into the depths of your body, mind, soul, and spirit. I highly recommend that you spend time with Nöle, partaking in her delight of these precious wisdom teachings that she so thoroughly embodies and brings to life.”

 -Richard Miller, PhD-

Nöle Giulini, C-IAYT

Certified Yoga Teacher 30 years experience Senior Certified iRest®Teacher & Trainer


In person or in group, in German or english. View or schedule my classes schedule or register for a class online.


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